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Topic: Legal Music Management

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Section 1: Introduction & Instructions:

Congrats on choosing a Topic of focus for Musicians Desk Reference (MDR). Welcome to the Topic Page!

Here, you will learn everything you need to know about your topic: what it is and why it’s an important part of the music industry, to who it involves, when to consider it, and most importantly, how to use it with regard to your career.

Before you get started, let’s review a few basics about how this page (and similar ones work):

Below, you will see some site navigation. These links will take you to different sections of the page. For content specific to your topic of choice. This journey typically starts with an Overview section, which offers educational info and access to some basic documents/templates relating to the topic. From there, you can advance to the Strategy section (if available – we’re developing new Strategies right now, which will soon be available), which offers access to our project management system. This will literally show you how to use your topic in a project, detailing every step of the process, with associated documents and even the ability to delegate tasks to members of your team, receive email notifications, and more. We highly suggest reviewing the Overview and building out the project in MDR before moving the building your Strategy Project. Details on how to access both the Overviews and Strategy projects in MDR are offered in each section (via screenshot of specifically what to click), along with a link to access MDR.

After each project screenshot (to access MDR), you have additional navigation options to advance to the next section, choose a new topic, or review the video tutorials at the top of the page. Your journey is up to you, but again we recommend accessing projects in MDR to gain insight, experience, and more.

You will receive an email after a few days to check in and see if you want to stay focused on your current topic or choose a new topic. Feel free to ignore if you want to keep working on your current topic, and we’ll check in after about a month. You can always select a new topic at any time in the page navigation, and we’ll send you a link to a new topic page to start your journey down that path.

Regardless, we’re here to support you through your career. Best of luck to you!

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Section 2: Suggested Tutorials:

Creating a Project (6:17):

Creating an Artist Project & Inviting Your Team (3:28):

Click here to access all MDR video tutorials.

So much great content, and we’re adding more all the time!

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Section 3: Overview (Education)

Before you jump into a timed Strategy (if available), take some time to educate yourself on the Topic in general and check out our resources, examples, and more.

How to access in Musicians Desk Reference (:30 seconds):

  1. From here, login (or signup!) into your MDR Account.
  2. Once in your Account Page, create/select your artist/student, set your email frequency preference, and you will be taken to your Project Page.
  3. Click the “Start a New Project” button, and click what’s shown in the image below.
  4. Set your Milestone Date, and click “Create/Update Project” and you’ll be taken to your Project Page.

Read the instructions, delegate tasks, view the associated documents, and you’re on your way. When you’re finished with the project, continue to the Strategy surrounding your Topic, or feel free to check out any other Overviews, Strategies, or Documents.

Click image to build project in MDR:


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Section 4: Strategy (Instruction)

Now that you’re familiar with the basics from the Overview and associated documents, it’s time to put your knowledge to action!

Our Strategies offer projects set to specific timelines and step-by-step instructions. These projects let you know:

This is your to-do list brought to life, and you even have the ability to delegate tasks to members on your team. Never again should you hear, “I don’t know what to do next!” or, “I didn’t know how to do it!”

The MDR platform will even email your team members based on associated tasks based on the email notification frequency you set on your account page (1st page when you log in – we recommend Daily or Weekly emails for active projects).

How to access in Musicians Desk Reference (:30 seconds):

  1. From here, login (or signup!) into your MDR Account.
  2. Once in your Account Page, create/select your artist/student, set your email frequency preference, and you will be taken to your Project Page.
  3. Click the “Start a New Project” button, and click what’s shown in the image below.
  4. Set your Milestone Date, and click “Create/Update Project” and you’ll be taken to your Project Page.

Read the instructions, delegate tasks, view the associated documents, and you’re on your way. When you’re finished with the project, continue your journey by choosing a New Topic below, or feel free to check out any other Overviews, Strategies, or Documents.

Click image to build project in MDR:


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Section 5: New Topic Selection

Ready to check out a new Topic? Click the form below!

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